Luxury Safaris in Zambia
A curtain of thundering water drawn across Zambia’s southern border, Victoria Falls is one of the world’s greatest natural wonders, and the country's star attraction.
At its most powerful between April and July, the mighty falls can be experienced by helicopter or on foot, from atmospheric spray-soaked pathways. Follow the river’s course to Lower Zambezi National Park, paddling past elephants and buffaloes grazing on islands of grass. Or swap boats for boots in South Luangwa, home of the walking safari, where leopards laze in treetops bathed by honeyed amber light. A stage for large-scale spectacles, Zambia supports multiple mass migrations. Feel the wind beneath 10 million fruit bat wings in Kasanka, hear the drumming hooves of wildebeest in Liuwa Plain, and bathe beneath a shower of scarlet feathers when carmine bee-eaters descend.
Ways To Explore

Abercrombie & Kent pioneered the first modern luxury safari in the 1960s, and today we continue to set the gold standard for wildlife adventures, with our own safari lodges in six countries in Africa.