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People who have never been to Sydney often picture it as a seaside city where a sunkissed, hedonistic way of life is conducted, all year round, by or on if not actually in the water at beaches with lyrical names.

People who have been to Sydney will know that this is largely true. Morning runs, surf and yoga sessions are routine. But they will also know that there is more to the city than that. There is the food (the entire city is a flaming wok on the searing edge of the Pacific Rim), the live music, the effervescent social scene. The energizing friction between diverse architectural styles (Italianate Colonial, Gothic Revival, Art Deco, Bauhaus, Brutalist – along with a certain Harbour Bridge and Opera House). “I despair,” wrote Anthony Trollope, “of being able to convey to any reader my own idea of the beauty of Sydney Harbour.” Take a seat on the Manly Ferry and formulate your own idea.


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